The show Rare Public Appearance of Miss Georgette Heyer, created by Dunedin actor and writer Terry MacTavish, was staged in October to mark the 50th anniversary of Heyer’s death, and attracted a large audience.
So, MacTavish is revisiting the show for the Fringe, taking the role of the acerbic Heyer herself, alongside award-winning local actors Mārama Grant and Ashley Stewart. The various lovers were played last year by Dylan Shields and Kimberley Buchan.
"We were so delighted with the number of people who turned out to enjoy our show last year, that we wanted to share it with new audiences during the Fringe," MacTavish said.
Known as the "Queen of Regency Romance", Heyer was renowned for creating "wonderful heroes and heroines" in novels filled with wit and humour.
For Grant, being part of the show has been a fascinating opportunity to learn more about Heyer’s novels and in-particular her heroines.
Stewart has been having fun with the various characters he has been asked to depict, from stern heroes to cheeky cads.
MacTavish said Dunedin Public Library had been very supportive, as had the Globe Theatre costume department — especially as the two actors were depicting seven characters each in the 70-minute show.
"We are having a lot of laughs as we go along putting the show together," she said.
Dunningham Suite, fourth floor, Dunedin City Library this Friday, at 6pm, Saturday, at noon, and Sunday, at 2pm. Entry is free.