Emergency services responded to the crash on the Dunedin Southern Motorway at Fairfield around 8:20am this morning.
“Luckily, there were no serious injuries sustained in the crash.
"However it did create significant disruption for motorists, with a few people likely to be late for work this morning," Senior Sergeant Karl Hemmingsen, Otago coastal area road policing manager, said.

"It's the biggest snarl-up I've ever seen on the motorway," he said.
The road had since been cleared and reopened.
Snr Sgt Hemmingsen said the prang was likely triggered by sunstrike which can force vehicles to slow or stop abruptly.
“Police are asking motorists to keep their following distances in mind when driving to your destination.
"A larger gap between you and the car in front of you is often the difference in being able to safely stop, or crashing into the car in front of you, if they stop abruptly," Senior Sergeant Hemmingsen said.

"Two patients, both in minor conditions, were assessed and treated at the scene," she said.
Earlier, the Lookout Point fire crew and a Roslyn fire crew had responded to a two-car crash near the Fairfield on-ramp at 7.50am.
The Fenz spokesman said crews had responded to reports one of the cars had rolled, but no one was trapped.
The St John spokeswoman said one ambulance responded and a patient in minor condition was treated at the scene.
"Two further patients declined assessment.