Titled "Close", the installation marks the fifth year that Spectacle has been involved in the festival, with support from the Dunedin Dream Brokerage.
Combining the talents of artists Jess Covell, Emma Johansson, Yuko Shimada, Chris Miller and Lee Nicolson, "Close" steps outside the normal boundaries of a gallery.
Covell said audience members would be able to try out the interactive dating experience "Hello Stranger 3: Hologram Edition", solve a puzzle to summon a holographic Odin, experience a sculptural fibre installation, or jam with newly invented instruments.
Covell said "Close" would also feature a series of community workshops, including making a musical instrument under the guidance of Nicolson and Miller and learning the fibre art practice of tufting with Covell.
Spectacle was proud of its five-year history with the Dunedin Fringe Festival, and grateful to Dunedin Dream Brokerage for helping it to secure performance spaces in that time.
For more information on workshops, email spectacledunedin@gmail.com.
Opens tomorrow, with live performances on created instruments as audience members try out the games and tackle the other activities, from 6.30pm-7.30pm, at 125 George St (opposite Farmers).
The showcase will then continue on March 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, and 22, from 10am-2pm.