Steel captain pregnant

The availability of the Southern Steel’s captain for next season has become uncertain.

Shannon Saunders
Shannon Saunders
Shannon Saunders confirmed through social media yesterday that she is pregnant.

The Otago Daily Times was unable to confirm the impact the midcourter’s pregnancy would have on next year’s ANZ Premiership campaign.

However, she will definitely miss the Silver Ferns’ three-test series against Jamaica next month.

Saunders (31) said in a post that she was "feeling very grateful for our wee miracle and excited for our new chapter".

She has been a key part of the national team in recent years, while having been among the Steel’s key players for the past decade.

If she was to be unavailable for part, or all, of next year’s Steel campaign, that would be somewhat offset by its off-season pick-up.

The team had added Sam Winders to its books to join Kate Heffernan and Renee Savai’inaea in what would still be a very strong midcourt trio.

It follows news on Monday night that Steel star import goal shoot George Fisher has become engaged to Southland Sharks basketballer Brayden Inger.

Fisher has signed on for her third season with the Steel next year.