Store to reopen with more services offered

The new manager of the Naseby general store will add ''more instruments to the orchestra'' to help ensure the shop is a success.

Naseby woman Marilyn Swinbourn, who intends to reopen the store in mid-December, said she was feeling ''a bit of everything'', including excitement and nervousness.

''I've never run a store before. I worked in a milk bar in Oamaru as a teenager and ran a restaurant with family members for six years.

''It will be life-changing for me, operating a seven-day-a-week business. I have a lot to learn and hope people will be patient and understanding while I come to terms with the business.''

She was aware of problems faced by the previous operators which caused them to close the store in September, the first time it had closed in 150 years.

Those added ''instruments to the orchestra'' included moving the Naseby Sewing Room, which had been inactive for more than two years, into the premises, and hiring out sporting and holiday equipment.

Refurbishments were also being conducted, and an upgrade of the kitchen by early next year would allow takeaway food to be sold during weekends and holidays.

Mrs Swinbourn, who had lived in Naseby for eight years, said most people in the town had been supportive of her plans.

''An empty shop leaves such a big gap in our little town; it was a sad sight.

''I think people will be pleased to have a full mail service again, and the convenience of a local store. The local community board has been very supportive, and a special thanks is due to Janice Remnant who has facilitated the lease.''

The building is owned by the Central Otago District Council.

She welcomed any suggestions from the public about the store.

Naseby Vision chairman John Crawford said as a community, Naseby was ''delighted'' the reopening was to go ahead.

Although plans to operate the store as a community enterprise had been in development, private ownership was the best solution.

The Naseby Vision committee had passed on ideas it had developed for additional income options to Mrs Swinbourn, he said.

The date for reopening had not been confirmed yet.

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