The Central Otago District Council’s long-term plan public consultation documents will include a list of buildings, including halls, staff have recommended getting rid of.
In the past council has offered halls to the surrounding community for $1. Lowburn took up the offer and Millers Flat declined, although its hall is now on the to-go list.
Council infrastructure acting group manager Lee Webster said as well as the ongoing costs of maintaining the buildings, setting aside funds to have them appropriately earthquake-strengthened was a big cost driver.
At the council meeting last month, Cr Lynley Claridge asked if new owners of former council halls and buildings would have to comply with earthquake-strengthening rules.
"Yes, if the public are going in there," Mr Webster said.
Council asset management property team leader Janice Remnant said leasing a building would not remove the council’s responsibility for earthquake strengthening.
Cr Stu Duncan said the work was not required until 2050, or possibly later, depending on the standard of the building.
But Central Otago district Mayor Tamah Alley was unequivocal.
"Earthquake proofing is not about ticking a box ... it’s about making a building safe for people to be in. I don’t think we want to be a council that just pushes that out to the very nth degree at every opportunity, because it’s about squishing people in an earthquake that we know is coming."