South Otago Theatrical Society Jubilee Show director Robyn Gardner is calling for more school children to fill the costumes and chorus in the upcoming celebratory musical show.
Barry Bruwer is one of the people who recently gained his citizenship in Balclutha after moving to the district for work and the appealing nature of its small, rural environment.
Family and fishing were to the fore at the weekend as people baited up for the annual Kaka Point Fishing Competition, which had been postponed from its Easter date.
Catlins resident Helen-May Burgess discovered on her way home on Tuesday night that the two concreted-in fences around the Purakaunui Falls car park had been knocked over.
Greater urgency is needed to deal with a build-up of gravel in the Clutha River underneath the Balclutha Bridge before the town itself gets ''wet feet'', an Owaka resident says.
A house being built on a recently developed subdivision in Tapanui is a sign of growth for the Clutha district, local councillors and council staff say.
The Lawrence-Tuapeka Community Board has clarified its intentions after receiving a scathing letter criticising its plans to deal with heavy-traffic parking in Lawrence.