Player Ally Ward ducks away from Karen Sinclair, watched by Mel Ward, playing ‘‘Walking Netball'' at the Cross Recreation Centre in Balclutha yesterday.
Balclutha police have condemned the actions of those who put road cones on the arches of the Balclutha bridge.
Balclutha RSA members Karyl Robertson and Pauline Soper lay a wreath at the official Anzac ceremony in Rome on Monday.
Paying tribute to the men who died in the war can be a humbling experience for anyone, but for one member of the South Otago High School first XV rugby team, it was especially poignant.
It is unclear who could have placed a series of road cones on the top of the arches of the Balclutha Bridge.
One of Gore's returned servicemen is remembered in a feature-length documentary which is being released in time for Anzac Day.
Alf's Imperial Army Oamaru Regiment (back row, from left) Nathalie Brown, with dog Babe, Sophia Leon de la Barra, Bill Blair, Graeme Simpson, Graeme Martin, Chris Jones, Slim Hurring, Art Hurring, (front row, from left) Iain Clark, Wendy Simpson, David Sutton and Kahren Thompson mark the Queen's 90th birthday yesterday with a sandwich and cup of tea outside the Waitaki District Council buildings in Oamaru.
A symbol of the movie Pete's Dragon which was partially filmed in Tapanui has gone fly-about.