The South Otago Historical Society will make a submission to the Clutha District Council's annual plan after it was overlooked and inadvertently omitted from the first forum.
Waiwera South Primary School pupils (clockwise from left) James Dobbie (11), Ashley Wendleglest (11) and David Dalley install native pot plants in a vertical wall at South Otago High School.
THE residents of Holmdene rest-home are very happy at the news the Clutha District Council will fix cracked footpaths in Balclutha. Last month, rest-home resident Natalie Hill presented a petition...
Despite rain and wind, stallholders and organisers alike are pleased with the amount of support shown by the Clutha community for this year's multicultural food festival.
The Department of Conservation (Doc) has been working hard to return yellow-eyed penguins to their nesting spots in the Catlins after they were taken to a specialised vet in Dunedin.
Dancing queens, synchronised swimmers and comedic sketches were among the performances at the opening ceremony of the Southern Area Schools Tournament in Owaka.
Residents of Kaka Point are getting increasingly worried about the number of tourists fishing for mussels near the seaside township and later dumping catches elsewhere.