Residents of Kaka Point are getting increasingly worried about the number of tourists fishing for mussels near the seaside township and later dumping catches elsewhere.
Geoff Kitto was shocked to discover a batch of mussels abandoned at the end of Randall Rd, near Kaka Point, with only a few opened or eaten.
It was not the first time he had found mussels improperly disposed of, he said.
''I've had a gutsful of it.''
Mr Kitto was concerned with the amount of shellfishing in Kaka Point and what its long-term impact might be.
Mr Kitto suspected some visitors were taking more than the daily limit of 50 mussels, as well as undersized paua.
''At the turn-off to my quarry, there are always undersized paua shells there [and] mussel shells broken open.''
Mr Kitto wanted improved signs in Kaka Point and some in languages other than English.
''It might pale in comparison to some of the other stuff that's going on, but you've got to nip it in the bud.''
Another Kaka Point resident, Glennis Woods, was also upset with the behaviour of shellfishers.
Her property overlooks Kaka Point beach and rocks. She said people were out almost every day, mainly tourists, taking mussels and paua from the shallows.
Mrs Woods believed unless something was done, the shellfish populations would be in danger.
She said it was ''disgusting'' that live mussels had been dumped on the side of the road.
Ministry of Primary Industries spokesman Reece Murphy was satisfied with the number of signs in the area but said more ''possibly could be put up''.
''Suggestions from the community as to where signs are required is always helpful.''
Most people used smartphone apps to find out the fishing laws in each area.
If members of the public witnessed any people fishing unlawfully, they were encouraged to report it to
MPI on 0800 4POACHER.
Mr Murphy asked people to remember key information such as date, time, place, descriptions and the observed activity.
The Catlins area was relatively untouched and over-fishing was not a big problem there, compared with other areas, Mr Murphy said.
However some popular sedentary shellfish species, such as paua and mussels, could become depleted if harvest pressure increased.
He said the Ministry of Primary Industries had received one general complaint in relation to people walking around the rocks near the Kaka Point township who may have gathered shellfish, but the information provided was not specific.