A new Caledonian Anzac exhibition with links to South Otago has been well received offshore.
A haze covered Balclutha this afternoon as fire-fighters battled a blaze at the outskirts of the town.
All the resource consents have been granted and construction is likely to start soon on the Clutha Gold cycle trail, between Lake Roxburgh and Lawrence.
Solid Energy has made a deal with the Gore District Council to help pay for a study of the impact of large-scale lignite developments in Eastern Southland.
Work on the Mt Stuart wind farm is ahead of schedule, with all nine turbines now in place and commissioning under way.
The granting of resource consent for a milk-processing plant near Clydevale has been criticised.
A haze covered Balclutha on Saturday afternoon as firefighters battled a blaze on the outskirts of the town.
Clutha's $5 million recreation centre is on track to be completed before its official opening next weekend.
Gold-rush fever will grip Waitahuna this weekend, as hundreds are expected to visit to celebrate 150 years since gold was discovered there.
Milton's promotions group is hoping to build a children's cycle track at a town park.
More than 90 enthusiastic competitors took part in Clutha's version of the senior Olympics.
More than $10,000 worth of rates arrears on Maori-owned land will be written off by the Clutha District Council.
The corporate services committee last week decided total rates arrears of $11,481.50 on 21 blocks of Maori-owned land should be written off.
Kaitangata residents gathered to celebrate the Kaitangata Volunteer Fire Brigade's centenary over the weekend.
POUNAWEA: The third Tri Pounawea multisport event will be held on November 5.
The Clutha District Land Search and Rescue (LandSAR) group is seeking donations to help host a search and rescue competition.
Clutha Health First's annual financial report reveals an organisation in much better shape than the previous year.
Clutha gathered to celebrate its top sportspeople last night.
Police are seeking information after several holiday homes were burgled near Milton earlier this month.
The second stage of the community service station project is well under way in Clinton, with work started on the retail store.
Police are seeking more volunteers keen to help keep crime down in Balclutha and its surrounds.