Volunteers wanted for patrols

Police are seeking more volunteers keen to help keep crime down in Balclutha and its surrounds.

The town's community patrol was formed three years ago to help police reduce crime during busy weekends.

Balclutha community constable Tom Taylor said community patrollers acted as "eyes and ears" for police within the Balclutha area.

In pairs, patrollers note anything that could be suspicious and inform police immediately of incidents requiring urgent attention.

Patrollers are equipped with a police radio, clipboard, and torches.

While some patrollers did visit outlying townships such as Kaitangata on a "quiet night" the bulk of patrolling was in Balclutha itself, he said.

Patrols took place every Saturday night, and on Friday nights if there were enough volunteers.

"The police can't be everywhere, so it's good to have the public keeping an eye on things.

"The more people we have, the less often volunteers will have to be rostered on," Snr Const Taylor said.

Shift hours varied, depending on the volunteers, but usually took place during the busy hours of the night.

Anyone interested in becoming part of the patrol should leave their contact details at the Balclutha police station.

Applicants are vetted by police before becoming patrol members.


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