Young people from St Joseph’s Cathedral School dressed up as people they found inspiring and have learnt about this term.
Year 2 pupil Mila Quartly-Kelly, 6, dressed as Jean Batten for the day.
She found Jean Batton inspiring because "she proved men wrong by showing that woman are strong and can fly planes".
Mila wanted to be a pilot herself when she grew up.
She teamed up with her dad to design a warbird and made it out of cardboard for her to wear on top of her costume.
Principal Jo Stanley said the pupils studied the different inspiring people in history as part of their inquiry topic this term.
Each pupil picked a person who made a positive impact on the works and inspired others through their actions.
Some pupils chose to dress as famous figures including Mother Theresa, Sir Edmund Hillary and Albert Einstein while others dressed as regular people including nurses and soldiers.
One pupil chose to dress like his grandfather, who was a builder.
Ms Stanley said during the research, pupils identified their inspiring person’s learner qualities and make links to their own lives.
"The inquiry has been very powerful celebrating the achievements of these remarkable individuals and encouraging our students to learn from them."
She said it was nice to look back in history to inspiring figures in a time when we had few world leaders that were inspiring.