Flying Femmes bringing back circus act

The Flying Femmes (clockwise from front left): Nicole Maisey, Regina Hedgeman, Laura Oakley and...
The Flying Femmes (clockwise from front left): Nicole Maisey, Regina Hedgeman, Laura Oakley and Katelyn Reed perform at the Black Box Dunedin Fringe exhibit ahead of tonight’s full show. PHOTOS: LINDA ROBERTSON
From flips to throws, hoola-hooping to walking on Champagne glasses, The Flying Femmes circus show is returning to Dunedin Fringe Festival.

The four members of the Femmes, Nicole Maisey, Laura Oakley, Katelyn Reed and Regina Hedgeman, are set to take to the stage at the Mayfair Theatre tonight, performing an array of circus delights from gravity-defying stunts to traditional clowning.

Ms Maisey said the circus artists aimed to send every member of the audience home happy.

"The show is designed to bring back the old-school feeling of the circus bringing joy to the town, and there’s a bit of a 1950s theme," Ms Maisey said.

Each of the Femmes would have their own specialty act during the show, including chair stacking, contortion, hoola hooping and bottle walking, she said.

"I’m definitely loving contortion at the moment ... there will be some flips and spinning, and holding some nice positions."

The group adagio is where the four members were set to shine together onstage, in a particular act called Toss the Girl.

"There’s all four of us on stage and there will be one performer that is swung and thrown between the other three, its a really high energy act, very fun and the audience definitely gets involved," she said.

Ms Maisey had become interested in circus performance after an instructor at a rock -climbing session introduced her to aerial silk, and after two years of training in aerial arts on the Gold Coast she returned to New Zealand as one of the Flying Femmes.

For the 2023 Fringe Festival, the all-female troupe has performed six shows in Wellington and one in Christchurch, before heading for Dunedin Fringe.

"I hope it brings joy and all types of fun for the audience. It’s showing people what we are capable of."

