Own a slice of Central Otago history

Situated on the 45th Parallel, stands the Scapegrace Distillery. This is not a choice made by chance. Straddling the line between the Equator and the South Pole, this location reaps the rewards of fiercely intense summers and deeply frigid winters - conditions that are indispensable for the unique aging of Single Malt Whisky.

Here, at this chosen spot, the spirit of the land and the essence of the environment resonate. Creating a single malt that is not merely made, but truly born of its surroundings.

A whisky marked by nature.

Secure one of the first casks of the brand new Scapegrace Distillery

With the completion of the new Scapegrace Distillery and the first batches of Single Malt being produced, we're offering the initial casks produced at the site to the public.

When you purchase one of the first 200L casks, included is the following: 

  • an exclusive distillery tour 

  • a private tasting hosted by Scapegrace 

  • personalised bottles and packaging 

This limited opportunity won't last long. Be a part of Scapegrace history. 


For more information and to inquire about about this exclusive opportunity: 



Key Information

Distillers Malt

We use 100% local barley produced from South Canterbury. Our distiller’s malt is a premium malt produced exclusively from distilling barley varieties with the right nitrogen content. The barley has been gently kilned to preserve enzyme content and the resulting malt has both high extract and diastatic power. The end result is a barley and new make which is slightly sweet, rich in character and clean. 

Manuka Smoked Malt

We take the same barley varieties as our classic distillers malt and place the grains in a smoker with 100% New Zealand grown West Coast Manuka wood. Our Manuka Smoked Malt is smooth and overlaid with floral, sweet characteristics. This malt is also excellent when distilled, and imparts a smooth, natural smokiness with distinct Manuka notes to the finished whisky that is unique to New Zealand. 

French Oak 

Our cask strategy from the start has been to give our Single Malt the best possible beginning. That's why we've chosen French Oak. French Oak imparts a rich character early on, with balanced spiciness, silky vanillin notes, and subtle sweetness. These flavors complement our local new make spirit, allowing for consistent aging that removes volatile congeners. Another key attribute of French Oak is its high tannin levels, which are more balanced in Quercus Robur compared to its American counterpart, Quercus Alba. 

All 200L casks will be filled using Virgin French Oak, with 50L casks being 1st filled French Oak. 

Instagram: @scapegrace
