Moves by the University of Otago and Otago Polytechnic to promote sustainability provide a good example for some Australian tertiary institutions to follow, Rhiannon Boyd said yesterday.
Prof Tony Binns, who helped pioneer the UniVol programme at Volunteer Service Abroad, has gained a rare life membership of the development organisation.
After the Dunedin Astronomical Society's recently-elected president Kaitlyn Martin reached Dunedin from her US homeland, she found plenty of friends in the society, and also her fiance.
Overnight clouds cleared and Otago Museum director Dr Ian Griffin and interested members of the public enjoyed clear viewing of the transit of Mercury at Mercury Bay early yesterday.
The latest of many big changes of fortune in the world of a former Polish prince and patriot has been marked in a ceremony at the Dunedin Southern Cemetery.
A five-strong Otago Museum team has travelled to Mercury Bay on the Coromandel Peninsula, to help the public observe the transit of Mercury, between 6am and 7.04am today.
Ever feel frustrated, in taking a powerful car for a test drive, that Dunedin's traffic and 50kmh speed limit prevent you reaching that elusive 283kmh top speed?
Meetings with Cabinet ministers took place yesterday as early childhood education teachers pressed their case for pay equity with kindergarten and primary school colleagues.
Citycare Ltd contractors have continued to work, including at the corner of Ashmore St and Taieri Rd, Dunedin, after a burst water main, about 6pm, initially reduced water supplies to Wakari Hospital.