The sometimes disappointing swings and roundabouts of contestable funding have turned in the Otago Museum’s favour, through gaining three Government grants totalling $200,000.
The use of a digger to move fertiliser from MV Anatoki in the upper Otago Harbour yesterday shows the vessel’s flexibility as a bulk carrier, its owners say.
Hosting a big international congress on reptiles and amphibians is adding to Dunedin’s reputation as the wildlife capital of New Zealand, an academic says.
A $1 million Lotto win by a player in Alexandra on Saturday was "pretty exciting for the town", Alexandra New World grocery manager Richard McDonald said yesterday.
A rare catch of snapper at Dunedin’s new Boiler Point fishing jetty is raising big questions about the effect of climate change on fish distribution patterns.
Despite their warlike appearance, waves of pacifist warriors were seriously intent on not hurting each other during a mock "Battle of Blueskin" this week.
A former Southland woman trapped by bushfires in a coastal Australian town has been evacuated to a nearby town hall, as her Dunedin-based family anxiously awaits news.
A former Southland woman trapped by bushfires in a coastal Australian town says she and her family are ready to retreat to the beach if the situation gets worse.
Dunedin's relatively cool, green summer conditions proved popular yesterday with at least some of the cruise ship passengers from drought-ravaged parts of Australia.
The New Zealand Sea Lion Trust is keen to learn more about a recent incident at a Dunedin beach during which a man stabbed a sea lion in a bid to protect his wife.