He recently became only the 21st person, since 1962, to become a life member of New Zealand's largest and most experienced volunteer agency working in international development.
Prof Binns, of the University of Otago geography department, said the honour had initially been a ''great surprise''.
Life membership is granted for outstanding service and contribution to VSA.
The UniVol scheme, which Prof Binns was instrumental in establishing in 2006, had sent its first university student volunteers abroad in 2007.
''It's all about improving the quality of life.''
The UniVol approach had brought win-win benefits for people in developing countries and was '' a wonderful thing for the students who are able to participate,'' Prof Binns said.
''It totally transforms the student.''
Students who went abroad on the 10-month programme later became ''more world-aware, more empathetic'', Prof Binns said.
Participants in UniVol initially came from the Otago department, but VSA Council chairman Hone McGregor said the UniVol programme had since expanded to a collaboration between VSA and three more universities: Victoria University of Wellington, Massey and Auckland.
Since 2007, UniVol had become successful, and 109 volunteers had gone on assignment through it, Mr McGregor said.
The UniVol programme was a significant part of VSA's overall recruitment programme each year, and was a key part of VSA's efforts to engage New Zealand youth in volunteering.
A significant proportion of applications came from Otago University, where Prof Binns actively encouraged his students to apply.
His support had made the UniVol programme more successful, and had ''helped shape a significant strand of VSA's future''.
Prof Binns is a former VSA Council member (2011-2014), and remains an active member of the VSA Otago Interest Group.
VSA volunteers worked with overseas partners to build local businesses, provide education and improve health, safeguarding the environment and fostering good governance, Mr McGregor said.