Photographs of 150 present University of Otago staff went on display at its Link area yesterday, in association with the university's 150th anniversary.
One of the organisers, Otago Bulletin Board editor Lisa Dick, said the exhibition had been launched formally at 4.30pm yesterday.
However, before that people had already been walking through, looking at the photographs and taking a keen interest.

''Titled He tangata, he tangata, he tangata'' (''it is people, it is people, it is people''), the show features not only photographs of staff, but also quotations about themselves and what the university means to them.
The show offered a snapshot of present staff, ranging from the university's senior management team to academics and professional staff.
Some of the subjects have been at the university for more than 40 years and others had recently started.
The show, at the eastern end of the Link, had been brought together by Mrs Dick, photographer Sharron Bennett, and designer Heidi Malcolm.
The exhibition was a chance to celebrate all staff, Ms Bennett said.
The university employed more than 4000 equivalent full-time staff last year.