Seventy happy years of marriage later, Allan Rennie has absolutely no regrets about a certain unexpected encounter with the girl next door, at his father's grocery shop in Abbotsford.
More than 100 University of Otago law students and staff burst into prolonged applause yesterday after Prof Paul Roth gave his last lecture in a 30-year career at Otago.
New Zealanders would be "shocked" if they knew the reality about the phosphate imported from Western Sahara to make New Zealand fertiliser, Tecber Ahmed Saleh said yesterday.
The University of Otago Business School not only runs New Zealand's highest internationally-rated MBA programme, it has also developed the country's first national MBA case competition.
Despite changeable spring weather, young holiday-makers Caleb (9) and Olivia (7) Scott, of Auckland, took their first dip at the St Clair Salt Water Pool on Saturday.
The "devastating" effects of climate change on the ocean are also threatening paua, New Zealand's most internationally well-known shellfish, new research shows.
A recent shortage of Jersey benne seed potatoes in Dunedin means some home gardeners may struggle to grow their own supplies for the festive table this Christmas.
A University of Otago academic disagrees with a claim by international researchers that few health benefits would result from reducing consumption of red and processed meat.
Dunedin and Otago face huge problems - inadequate hospital scanning equipment, rural water allocation and quality issues, and climate change - but collaborative answers can be found.
Hidde Boers, of the Netherlands, enjoys yesterday's spectacular show at the Esplanade, at St Clair, Dunedin, yesterday afternoon, as high tide approached, peaking shortly before 6pm.
Greenhouse gas emissions must be cut urgently if the worst effects of climate change on the world's oceans and the Antarctic are to be avoided, Prof Christina Hulbe warns.
An innovative study shows that a specialised diet, low in carbohydrates, is an effective treatment for children and adolescents with gastrointenstinal problems.