Church scheme still in demand

All Saints Fruit & Veges scheme volunteers (from left) Theodora Clarke-Wallace, 15, Rev Ruth Doig...
All Saints Fruit & Veges scheme volunteers (from left) Theodora Clarke-Wallace, 15, Rev Ruth Doig, of St Martin’s Church in North East Valley, Glennys Faules and Betty Mason-Parker and volunteer buyer Cyrus Yam enjoy bringing fresh, affordable produce to the community each week. Photo: Brenda Harwood
After 10 years of providing affordable, top-quality fruit and vegetables to Dunedin households, the All Saints’ Fruit & Veges scheme is going strong.

Founded in February 2015 by All Saints’ Anglican Church to meet a growing need for affordable food in the community, the volunteer-run programme is as much in demand as ever.

The not-for-profit project, which uses bulk-buying power to supply bargain-price fruit and vegetables to households battling constantly rising food prices, caters for hundreds of families across the city each Thursday.

The headquarters of the scheme is All Saints’ Anglican Church in North Dunedin, and there are volunteer-run distribution centres in North East Valley, Caversham, Green Island, St Kilda, Blueskin Bay, Port Chalmers and Andersons Bay.

All Saints’ Church vicar the Rev Canon Michael Wallace said it was satisfying the fruit and vegetable scheme had expanded its reach across almost the entire city in recent years — apart from Mosgiel, where it did not have volunteers available.

"We rely on volunteers to run our distribution centres, and we have been very lucky to have so many great people ready and willing to help out," he said.

Volunteer buyer Chris Yam was in charge of making the selections of fruit and vegetables, which were sourced through the MG Dunedin fresh produce suppliers’ group.

Mr Yam said his choices were focused on getting the best value produce available, along with maintaining a good variety.

"We don’t want to get too repetitive," he said.

The All Saints’ Fruit & Veges scheme has also expanded into other core household produce in recent years, and offers Holy Cow milk, eggs and honey from Old Road in Outram and 10kg bags of potatoes.

Mr Wallace said the number of local families accessing the All Saints’ Fruit & Veges scheme produce waxed and waned depending on the time of year, but remained strong overall — particularly in Caversham, North East Valley and at All Saints’ itself.

"Now that the university year is under way, we are getting more students coming in to buy affordable produce — although, interestingly, it is mainly flat groups of young women. The guys don’t seem as keen."

The produce is generally sold in pre-ordered packs, valued at $4 for one person, $7 for two people and $14 family packs.

The prices had remained stable for several years to ensure accessibility for the community, Mr Wallace said.

"We hear feedback from people that they are grateful to be able to access inexpensive fruit and vegetables in these tough times."

Along with distributing the pre-packed fruit and vegetables, All Saints’ also hosted a produce stall on Thursdays, 8.45am-10am and 4pm-6pm, which was becoming more popular, he said.

"The trend of more people wanting to come in and browse the stall is definitely continuing, and we are happy to cater for that," Mr Wallace said.

"Some people prefer to come and make their own choices, which is great as well. The main thing is that people are able to access good quality produce at the lowest possible cost."

How to order

Distribution centres are located at Caversham Presbyterian Church, Holy Cross Church (St Kilda), St Mark’s Church (Green Island), Blueskin Bay Library, Holy Trinity Church (Port Chalmers), St Martin’s Church (North East Valley), St Michael’s Church (Andersons Bay) and All Saints’ Church, 786 Cumberland St.

Customers must pre-order and pay (online or with cash) by Monday for the produce packs. The funds are used for the scheme’s weekly shop.

A sales table is also set up at All Saints’ hall, where people can browse and buy produce.

To sign up and order All Saints’ Fruit & Vege scheme produce, visit the website or Facebook dnfruitandveg, or phone the parish office on (03)479-2212.