He’s a champ, and he’s just 11

Young tennis tyro Lukas Necas, who’s just won two NZ titles, with his dad Zdenek. PHOTO: PHILIP...
Young tennis tyro Lukas Necas, who’s just won two NZ titles, with his dad Zdenek. PHOTO: PHILIP CHANDLER
A Queenstown 11-year-old’s become one of the resort’s youngest national champions.

Tennis player Lukas Necas last month won both the singles and doubles titles at the New Zealand 12-and-under (12U) indoor champs in Christchurch.

The year 6 Remarkables Primary pupil, who’s trained by Queenstown Tennis Club coach Mark Milburn, took out his singles final 7-5 5-7 6-1, and won the doubles with his Canterbury partner Samuel Baird, who’s 12, 6-2 6-2.

Lukas, who shifted with his family from Czech Republic to Auckland when he was two, followed his older sister Adele and dad Zdenek into the sport when he was four or five, but only took it up seriously when moving to Queenstown when he was seven.

"We didn’t know it would be such a great club here," says Zdenek, who’s just taken over as club captain from stalwart Karen Mitchell.

Lukas says his strength’s his backhand, but his dad notes he’s also very fast — athletics, in particular long distance running, was his main sport in Auckland.

"I just like playing matches, and I also enjoy practice — mostly every day if the weather’s good."

His next target’s the outdoor 12U nationals in Auckland in December, at which he made the second round last year.

His long-term aim’s fairly ambitious — "I want to be a professional tennis player, probably like top 20, and win a grand slam".

Meanwhile, Queenstown Tennis Club’s holding open days for the coming season over the next three Saturdays from 1pm at its Gardens courts — this Saturday’s includes a free BBQ and maybe some margaritas.

It’s reintroduced half-price memberships — $150 — to encourage new members, who also get four free group lessons, and it’s offering the same deal to those who haven’t been a club member for 10 years or more.

