Ski sale this weekend

A week before the ski season starts, ski and snowboard equipment will change hands on a large scale when the traditional Wakatipu Ski Club Sale is staged at the Queenstown Events Centre, on Sunday.

The sale has been run for more than 30 years, raising funds for the club through commission on sales, silent auctions and entry fees.

Sale organiser Peter Devine, from the Wakatipu Ski Club, said more than 2000 people were expected to attend the event, which usually sells around 1500 items and raises about $25,000 for the club.

Last year, the total value of sales was more than $165,000.

"The ability to recycle surplus equipment encourages people to take up the sport. It also enables visitors to the resort to kit themselves out cheaply," he said.

Both new gear and second-hand goods will be presented at the sale. About 100 volunteers will be called upon to run the event.

The club, founded in 1949, is housed in a lodge next to the Coronet Peak base building and provides subsidised ski lessons for children and adults, along with child care options for members.
It has also given financial support to local ski talents.

Wakatipu Ski Club Sale

Queenstown Events Centre, Sunday May 30.
Drop off for goods to sell is 9am to 11am, $2 per item and 15% commission on any sales.
The sale will be open from 1.30pm to 3.30pm.
Entry fee $3, school children free.


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