Fox giving band a hand

Rodger Fox. Photos by James Beech.
Rodger Fox. Photos by James Beech.
Young Southern Lakes musicians and the Queenstown Jazz Orchestra will "learn from the master" when New Zealand's top big band conductor and trombonist, Rodger Fox, returns to the resort for a concert on September 16.

Orchestra leader and drummer Peter Doyle, of Arrowtown, said yesterday the band's 18 members, from Queenstown, Arrowtown, Alexandra and Roxburgh, were "over the moon" to have Fox not only conduct them during their concert at the end of his workshop, but also pick up his trombone and join in their public performance.

Mr Doyle said it was a coup to have Fox share his expertise with them.

The Queenstown Jazz Orchestra will be tutored, then conducted, by New Zealand jazz supremo Rodger...
The Queenstown Jazz Orchestra will be tutored, then conducted, by New Zealand jazz supremo Rodger Fox in a public concert on Sunday, September 16.
Southern connections between band members and the Fox family prevailed and New Zealand's "Mr Jazz" told them he would be delighted to collaborate with teenaged musicians from Wakatipu High School and Mt Aspiring College next Friday afternoon, then join the orchestra for a workshop next Friday night and the weekend.

"You can learn to play the music, that's the easy part," Mr Doyle said. "But someone like Rodger Fox brings the dynamics, the light and dark and he can bring out the best in you."

Mr Doyle said the Queenstown Jazz Orchestra would play on September 16, at 3pm in the new music suite in the Robertson block of Wakatipu High School.



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