Students were recognised for their achievements in the East Otago High School 2024 prizegiving.
Year 9
Jackson Mitchell (Diligence Flatastic, Diligence Maths to the Future), Declan Burns (Merit Who am I?), Kerehama Stewart (Merit Bone Jewellery and Display), Casey Bussell (First Equal Mural Project), Maiya Green ( First Bone Jewellery and Display), Ray Ottley (First Mixed Media), Rhema Bani (First Mixed Media), Kylie Gardyne (First Product), Dattkumar Patel (Diligence Maths, Computers and Logic, Merit Digital Movement), Isabelle Snow (Diligence Our World, Merit Hazards and Population, Merit Who am I?), Kane Crowther (Merit Product, Merit Te Reo Māori – Communication, First Hazards and Population), William Newton (Diligence Who am I?, Diligence Whodunnit, Murders, Mysteries and Thrillers, Merit Without a Place, First Equal Maths in Action, Citizenship Award), Jasper Buck (Merit Meet the Elements, Merit We Are, Merit Whodunnit, Murders, Mysteries and Thrillers, First Without a Place), Chloe Flavell (Diligence FUNdamentals in Sports, Diligence Te Reo Māori – Communication, Merit Māori Performing Arts, First Lay Down Your Arms), Livana Skevington ( Diligence How Did we Get Here, Merit FUNdamentals in Sports, Merit Me Versus the Wild, Merit Smash and Bash, First Just Do It, First Māori Performing Arts), Caleb Ferguson (Diligence Bone Jewellery and Display, Merit Car Science, Merit Dining to know you, Merit Flatastic, Merit Kitchen Science, Merit Lock Them Up - Crime and Punishment, First Digital Movement, Overall Merit.), Kody Lozell (Diligence Lock Them Up - Crime and Punishment, Diligence Me Versus the Wild, Merit Dining to know you, First Equal Maths in Action, First Equal Maths in Engineering and Technology, First How Did we Get Here, First We Are, Overall Merit) Jennifer Fiala (Merit Just Do It, Merit Lay Down Your Arms, Merit Light and Bright, First Equal Maths in Engineering and Technology, First Equal Mural Project, First Maths to the Future, First Maths, Computers and Logic, First Who am I?, Overall Excellence).
Year 10
Brody Cooper (Diligence Maths, Computers and Logic), Kelsea Steel (Diligence Lock Them Up - Crime and Punishment), Billie Schultz (Diligence Māori Performing Arts) Sian Hill (Diligence Maths to the Future, Diligence Who am I?) Ran Howard (Merit Smash and Bash), Lillian Ottley (Merit Mixed Media), Kaylen van Rooyen (Merit Flatastic) Blake O'Brien (Merit Digital Movement), Kayden Miller (First Digital Movement), Anika Thomson (Diligence Social Studies, First Mixed Media), Imogen Knox (Merit Light and Bright, Merit Lock Them Up - Crime and Punishment), Arabella Hagan ( Merit FUNdamentals in Sports, First Smash and Bash), Ariki Cook (Merit Social Studies, First Bone Jewellery and Display), Falco Hurrell (Diligence Lock Them Up - Crime and Punishment, Merit Car Science, First Maths to the Future), Liam Thom (Diligence Bone Jewellery and Display, Diligence How did we get here?, Merit Māori Performing Arts), Yvanah Lawrence (First Equal Lock Them Up - Crime and Punishment, First Flatastic, First Product), Layla O'Connell (Diligence Our World, Merit Lock Them Up - Crime and Punishment, Merit Product, Merit Whodunnit. Murders, Mysteries and Thrillers, First Light and Bright), Ciara Clark (Diligence Kitchen Science, Diligence Meet the Elements, Merit FUNdamentals in Sports, Merit Lay Down Your Arms, Merit Whodunnit. Murders, Mysteries and Thrillers, First Equal Lock Them Up - Crime and Punishment, Citizenship Award), Caelyn Cadogan-Reid (Merit Flatastic, Merit Kitchen Science, Merit Lay Down Your Arms, Merit Who am I?, First Dining to know you, First Equal Mural Project, First Maths, Computers and Logic, Overall Merit) Sophie Hutcheson (Merit Lock Them Up - Crime and Punishment, Merit Our World, Merit We Are, First Equal Maths in Action, First Equal Maths in Engineering and Technology, First How did we get here?, First Just Do It, First Me Versus the Wild, First Without a Place, Overall Excellence), Grace Jackson (Merit Just Do It, Merit Me Versus the Wild, Merit Meet the Elements, Merit Without a Place, First Dining to know you, First Equal Maths in Action, First Equal Maths in Engineering and Technology, First Equal Mural Project, First Lay Down Your Arms, First We Are, First Who am I?, First Whodunnit. Murders, Mysteries and Thrillers, Overall Excellence)
Year 11
Kalay Rameka (Diligence Foundation Studies), Lilly Kitto (Diligence Music), Henry Buck (Merit Foundation Studies), Tyler Washington (Merit Building, Construction and Allied Trades), Molly Scott (Diligence Building, Construction and Allied Trades, Merit Business Studies), Tremorgan Ottley (Diligence Humanities, Merit Art), Conrad McGhie (First Agricultural Science), Emily Ferguson (Diligence Mathematics, First Music, Citizenship Award), Ethan Te Raki (Merit English, Merit Science, First Physical Education), Ella Thom (Merit Agricultural Science, First Building, Construction and Allied Trades, First Business Studies), Juliet Clare (Merit Physical Education, First Art, First English, First Humanities, First Mathematics, First Science, Overall Excellence)
Year 12
Class Evelyn Ahlbrandt (Diligence Mathematics), Jada Hewitt (Diligence Outdoor Education), Jacob Butt (Diligence Music), Kate Howard (Diligence Art, Diligence Foundation Studies), Jayla Strong (Merit Agriculture), Samuel Ottley ( Merit Building, Construction and Allied Trades), Max Nimmo (First Building, Construction and Allied Trades), Ava Eddy (First Art), Greta McCaw (First Music), Lilly Kemp (First Agriculture), Paige Walker (First Physical Education) Kacey Clark (Merit Physical Education, First Outdoor Education), Ashley Howard (Merit Chemistry, First Agriculture (via VC)), Samuel Paton (Merit Biology, Merit Humanities, Merit Physics, First Business Studies, First English, Citizenship Award, Overall Merit), Addisyn Lawrence (Merit English, First Biology, First Chemistry, First Humanities, First Mathematics, First Physics, Overall Excellence)
Year 13
William Clare (Merit Building, Construction and Allied Trades, Merit Outdoor Education, First Physical Education), Deegan Croucher (First Building, Construction and Allied Trades, First Outdoor Education), Ella Farrant (First English, First Humanities). Renee McKenzie (Diligence Humanities, Merit Foundation Studies, Citizenship Award), Laeme van Rooyen (Merit Biology), Cassidy Bridger (Diligence English), Piper McCaw (Diligence English, Merit Art, First Biology, First Chemistry, First Mathematics with Calculus and Statistics)
Sports Awards
Kane Kelly, Neave O’Connell, Kayden Miller, Livana Skevington, Ashley Te Huia, Juliet Clare (Cross Country), Mateus Parker, Lucy Rowland, Ryan Howard, Sophie Hutcheson, Wiilliam Clare, Deegan Croucher (Swimming), Kane Kelly, Neave O'Connell, Ryan Howard, Kelsea Steel, Ashley Te Huia, Paige Walker (Athletics). Arabella Hagan, Sophie Hutcheson (Netball:(Hagan Family Trophy), Livana Skevington (Basketball Tracey Burgess Memorial Trophy best female junior basketball), Addisyn Lawrence (Spirit Award), Paige Walker (Contribution to Sport), Ryan Howard (Courtney Duncan Cup), Sophie Hutcheson (Sportsperson of the Year: Māori), Neave O'Connell (All Round Sportsperson of the Year), Koru Games Year 7/8 Mixed Touch Team, Kane Kelly, Jack Smith, Frankie Fitzgerald, Sophie McWilliam, Aria Church, Evie Peddie, Lucy Rowland, Tane Te Huia, Sam Kearney, Neave O'Connell, Alex McAra, Addison Miller, Paige Walker (Sports’ Team of the Year), Ryan Howard,(Sportsperson of the Year:Male), Neave O'Connell (Sportsperson of the Year: - Female), Ryan Howard (OVERALL sportsperson of the year) Ashley Howard (Sports Blues – Ice Hockey).
Music and Arts Awards
Kane Crowther (Effort in Guitar), Jayden Ollerenshaw (Effort in Drums), Jacob Butt (Effort in Bass Guitar), Emily Ferguson (Effort in Piano), Jolene Johnstone (Cup for most improved string player), Greta McCaw (Galloway Cup for Best Vocal Performance), Greta McCaw (Contribution to School Music),Greta McCaw (The Melanie Sloan Cup for performance in the Arts)
Special Subject Awards
Speech: Caelyn Cadogan-Reid (Waih Speech: Caelyn Cadogan-Reid (Waihemo Council Junior Speech Trophy ), Samuel Paton (Waihemo Council Senior Speech Trophy), Abigail Foote (The Joyce Whyman Intermediate Speech Trophy), Samuel Paton (Public Speaking Shield), Grace Jackson (Promising Writers Award), Julie Clare (Jan Malloch Cup Senior English), Addisyn Lawrence (J.Tansey Memorial Trophy for Special effort in Year 11/12 Geography), Jayla Strong (Gateway Trophy for Diligence), Jacob Butt (Gateway Trophy for Outstanding Effort), Ariki Cook (Askin Trophy for Excellence Materials Technology BCATS: Year 10), Ella Thom (Askin Trophy for Excellence Materials Technology BCATS: Year 11), Deegan Croucher (Askin Trophy for Excellence Materials Technology BCATS: Level Two/Three), Piper McCaw (Visual Arts Trophy)al Arts Trophy
Special Awards
Samuel Paton (Initiative in Leadership Trophy), Addisyn Lawrence (David Murray Prize Contribution to school and Community), Jack Smith (Eon Middlemass Shield outdoor education junior), Kacey Clark (Eon Middlemass Shield outdoor education senior), Paige Walker (Craig Pope Memorial Trophy all round effort), Cassidy Bridger (Nicola Black trophy for demonstrating and fostering School Spirit), Greta McCaw ( Craig Pope Memorial Trophy for excellence academic, sporting or music)
Principal’s Awards for School Leadership
Ciara Clark (Gwen Hewson Prize for best all round academic, sporting and cultural achievement by a Year 9/10 student), Caelyn Cadogan-Reid (The Remembrance Cup for effort in the Junior School), Piper McCaw (The Remembrance Cup for effort in the Senior School), Abigail Foote (The Ann Coe Cup for displaying all-round ability in academic studies, sporting and cultural activities), Ethan Te Raki (J Rangi Ellison Prize for contribution to Māori Culture), Ethan Te Raki (David Tohurangi Trophy for academic excellence Māori student).
Special Trophies
Cassidy Bridger and Brianne Harris (Joy Aitchison Cup for leadership), Jennifer Fiala (The Jubilee Cup for academic achievement Year 9), Grace Jackson (The Jubilee Cup for academic achievement Year 10), Juliet Clare (The Jubilee Cup for academic achievement Year 11), Addisyn Lawrence (The Jubilee Cup for academic achievement Year 12), Muir House (Inter House Shield)
Lakaia Harris (Mana Pounamu Teina Award), Maia Perry (Mana Pounamu Tuakana Award), Sonny Browne and Abigail Foote (John Macdonald Scholarship), Maia Perry (John Campbell Thomas Cultural Scholarship), Ella Farrant (John Campbell Thomas Academic Scholarship), Piper McCaw (Otago Polytechnic Principal’s Scholarship), Piper McCaw (PROXIME ACCESSIT), Ella Farrant (DUX)