Dog run a field of dreams

From a bird’s-eye view, it looks like an elaborate artwork.

Conspiracy theorists may view them as some kind of alien crop circles, but down at dog level, it is actually an amazing maze of pure entertainment.

Herbert resident James Stewart bought his beachfront property about six years ago and created the wondrous aerial display, not for the birds or contacting aliens, but for his three Jack Russell-crosses — 12-year-olds Whiskey, Wanda and Willow.

Why? Because Herbert does not have a dog park.

"So I’ve made these little meadows for my little fellas.

"It’s deer-fenced and has rabbit-proofed fencing around there, so they can’t get out. They love the place we’ve created. Absolutely."

The elaborate latticework in the fields surrounding James Stewart’s property in Herbert makes for...
The elaborate latticework in the fields surrounding James Stewart’s property in Herbert makes for great exercise and entertainment for dogs. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
He said it took about five hours to mow the pathways using a small tractor with a 1.3m mower.

"At the moment, we’re doing it twice a week. It’s ridiculous. We have to, because the grass won’t stop growing.

"It’s costing a fortune for diesel."

Initially, the plan was to open the area for members of the public to bring their dogs, but the lack of parking space was an issue.

"We haven’t solved that yet."

And, unfortunately, time and money are running out as the family has sold the property and plan to return to Australia next month.

Mr Stewart and his Jack Russell-crosses (from left) Willow, Whiskey and Wanda pause during their...
Mr Stewart and his Jack Russell-crosses (from left) Willow, Whiskey and Wanda pause during their paddock perambulations. PHOTO: PETER MCINTOSH
Mr Stewart and his wife are tired of the cost of living in New Zealand and believe the grass is greener across the Ditch.

"We’re going to join all the rest of the people in the country who are leaving. That is dissatisfaction.

"We don’t want to leave here. When you see it, you’ll wonder why we’re leaving.

"Everyone says the same thing, but we’re leaving for pretty compelling reasons."

He believed the dog park initiative would make a great project for the new owner of the property.