Youth helpline to continue

Central Otago's telephone youth helpline will continue to operate for up to three months, despite its six-month trial period ending, while an evaluation of the initiative takes place.

EZ HELP was established in October last year by the Safer Lifestyles Group to provide around-the-clock advice for teenagers.

The initiative followed a survey of agencies and secondary school pupils in Central Otago, which was carried out by Alexandra group ProjectExcel, and aimed to identify issues of concern for youth in the area.

The Safer Lifestyles Group funded a six-month trial of the helpline which officially ended on April 7. Two trained volunteer operators are still available for youth in need for up to three months.

Selar Henderson, of ProjectExcel, said the telephone line had to be left open for people in need until a final decision about whether to continue funding the initiative was made.

Mr Henderson is helping to write an evaluation report on the initiative, which will include a recommendation about whether it warrants further funding.

‘‘We are still getting information in about the trial and writing the report now. At the moment, the [Safer Lifestyles] steering group decided to roll over the trial for up to three months, depending on when a final decision about the helpline is made,'' he said.

Mr Henderson said the draft report would be presented to an executive committee, which would make its recommendations, and ProjectExcel would amend the document accordingly.

The final report would then be presented to the Safer Lifestyles steering group, which would make a decision about whether to continue the helpline, he said.

‘‘The whole process could take three or four weeks,'' Mr Henderson said.

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