Central Otago District Council community facility officer Carol McGarry prepared a report to the board after it resolved in March to commission an artist's impression of a pool and surrounds on a Cheviot St site.
Mrs McGarry's report stated today's meeting would be the first time board members had seen the pictures, and changes might be required before the public had an opportunity to comment.
Buchan Design and Calder Stewart Industries were commissioned to produce images indicating what type of heated outdoor pool could be built.
Although the board would not likely approve any plans at this stage, it was already in the process of consultation about an upgraded or new pool, following concerns about the existing pool's condition.
A proposal for pool funds consisting of $1 million externally-funded capital expenditure and $74,000 annual operating costs had been part of the council's draft Long Term Council Community Plan (LTCCP) for the 2011-12 year.
Submissions on the LTCCP relating to Roxburgh will be heard by the board on May 25.
The board will also consider a report on implementation of a drinking water strategy, which would upgrade local supply as required by the government's Health Amendment Act 2007.
CODC utility services officer Tony Stiles' report to the board stated water meters had been installed at 19 commercial and residential properties connected to the Roxburgh and Lake Roxburgh Village supplies.
In February last year the board resolved to adopt a strategy in principle and spend up to $15,000 investigating the concept and installing water meters.
Mr Stiles' report stated $241,968 was budgeted for water meter installation on all water connections in Roxburgh over the next five years.