Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board

Simon Henderson looks at highlights from the Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board meeting on June 8.

Funds for pool trust

The Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board last week approved donating all remaining unallocated funds from the current financial year to the Taieri Community Facilities Trust. At present the funds are $3905.

Board member Brian Peat said the trust had done "a hell of a lot" over several years.

Display turned down

The Mosgiel Coronation Hall Trust board has turned down a request to display a historic memorial board.

Board member Dean McAlwee said the board dated back to 1885 and showed names of former council and board members. It was mounted at the Coronation Hall when it was used as council chambers, but for some time had been tucked away by the Downes Room at the Mosgiel Service Centre where it was difficult to view.

Board member Brian Peat said it was disappointing the trust had declined to display the board in the Keith Willis Lounge at the Coronation Hall.

Plans to bring the memorial board up to date had been discussed if it was able to be displayed.

"The board itself is really quite a relic and it’s a hell of a lot of history."

Planting progressing

The Silverstream Biodiversity Project has been busy, with about 1000 native plants established.

The initiative began as a project led by board member Brian Peat, with $12,000 granted by the board in February last year.

About 35 pupils from Elm Grove School placed about 300 native plants at the Gordon Rd end of the Silverstream, aided by volunteers from Taieri Blokes Shed, Mosgiel Rotary Club and Downers NZ staff.

It was agreed at the last board meeting the project would be removed from the list as funds had now been spent. Future work will be undertaken by the Mosgiel Rotary Club.