People: Alexandra beer festival

Jim Ashe, Sandy Wilson, Andrew Ede and Ben Whitworth, of Cromwell. PHOTOS: LYNDA VAN KEMPEN
Jim Ashe, Sandy Wilson, Andrew Ede and Ben Whitworth, of Cromwell. PHOTOS: LYNDA VAN KEMPEN
Aimee and Mat Bell,  of Alexandra, with daughters Alice (5) and Charlotte (3).
Aimee and Mat Bell, of Alexandra, with daughters Alice (5) and Charlotte (3).
Gaylene Mitchell, Kate Smithies and Jenni Wright, all of Alexandra.
Gaylene Mitchell, Kate Smithies and Jenni Wright, all of Alexandra.
Nicole Davies, of Invercargill, and Leanne McMaster, of Alexandra.
Nicole Davies, of Invercargill, and Leanne McMaster, of Alexandra.
Dave and Laura Withell, of Alexandra, and Stephanie (2).
Dave and Laura Withell, of Alexandra, and Stephanie (2).
Sarah Naylor, of Becks, and Marcus Goile,  of Kununurra, Western Australia.
Sarah Naylor, of Becks, and Marcus Goile, of Kununurra, Western Australia.

At the Alexandra Craft Beer Festival, Pioneer Park, Alexandra, Saturday, February 6

Photos by ; prints available from


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