Association of Kindred Clubs of New Zealand
The Association of Kindred Clubs of New Zealand held its national gathering over King’s Birthday weekend.
The Waimate Savage & Entertainment Club sent five representatives to Hastings to take part.
The conference, like any meeting of its kind, dealt with the election of the new executive for the next two years and other housekeeping issues.
About 75 people took part and it was a dynamic meeting for Savage and Orphans Clubs from all over the country.
Two concerts were held, one by the hosting club Hastings and one by the combined visiting clubs.
The music was entertaining and the many skits were hilarious.
Pam, Ian, Jan, Gavin and Ina sang their hearts out in two brackets with songs of programmes they had done before during their Waimate concerts.
Being the final performers, dressed country style with hat and chequered shirts, they got the audience to join them in a harmonised Country Roads.
It was a lovely end to the concert, combining voices from all over New Zealand.
The Waimate club was presented with the award for the best growth in numbers over the last two years relative to population in their area.
Waimate’s president Jan Dugdale accepted the award and stated that most of this success was owed to the efforts of Pam Buckingham, the fiercest huntress for talent one could wish for any club.
The clubs wish her happy hunting for years to come.
The Waimate Savage & Entertainment Club Inc provides a stage for any age and invites membership from ages 16 to 110+.
Entertainment of any kind for the cheer joy of it and providing a practice run for performance muscles in (young) aspiring performers is the name of the game. Interested? Get in touch with their secretary via email: infwsec@gmail.com or via 021 055-6755.
By Ina de Paauw-Fontein