A police spokeswoman said officers were asking for anyone with more information about the shootings to come forward.
There did not appear to have been any similar incidents in the region, she said.
The shootings happened during the first week of January at farms on Otokia-Kuri Bush Rd, Akatore Rd, Takitakitoa Rd (two separate farms on the same road), and Rongahere Rd in Beaumont.
Nine sheep, two cattle beasts, a cow and a bull were shot, but no meat was gathered from the animals.
Despite many in the region suspecting a Dunedin youth of the shootings, which were believed to have been made from a four-wheel-drive vehicle, one of the affected farmers said he believed police were still getting their "legal ducks in a row" before taking further action.
Dunedin police (03) 471-4800, Crimestoppers 0800 555-111.