Surprise weka-up call for couple in North East Valley

A North East Valley couple had a surprise start to their day today when they woke to find a weka wandering around their property.

Birchfield Ave resident Jeff Harford said his wife pulled back the bedroom curtains about 8.15am and there was the bird, snooping around the section.

He said the weka "was not unduly troubled" as he followed it around the property, taking photos and some video.

"It wandered up Pleasant Place before we headed back indoors."

It follows another recent sighting in North East Valley.

A weka wanders around a vehicle parked outside a Birchfield Ave address. Photos: Jeff Harford
A weka wanders around a vehicle parked outside a Birchfield Ave address. Photos: Jeff Harford
Sarah Gallagher said she and her husband were on their way home from work about 6pm on Thursday, when a weka darted across the street in front of them.

"It was a bit of a shock.

"It just shot out in front of us when we were driving up Montague St.

"It tore across the road and jumped into some agapanthus in a garden."

These two sightings are among several in the city recently.

A weka has been spotted near Second Beach and the St Clair Hot Salt Water Pool, the University of Otago campus, and one was even seen going into a student flat.

While weka were known to live in the region historically, there were no known weka populations in or around Dunedin at present.

However, Birds New Zealand ornithologist Bruce McKinlay said there had been official recorded sightings of weka in North East Valley and Second Beach recently.

At the moment, there appeared to be only two birds in the city, he said.

"But I think if a population were to establish here, a lot of people would start losing a lot of teaspoons."

Weka are known to pilfer crops, food and other small objects.

• Anyone with information or news of sightings is asked to call 0800DOC HOT.

 - ODT Online/John Lewis

