Men of Vision cleaning up for Cancer Society

Deanna Hoskins enjoys a car wash from the men of audiovisual company Vision and their contractors...
Deanna Hoskins enjoys a car wash from the men of audiovisual company Vision and their contractors and associates (from left) Glen Stapley, Phil Corbett, Craig Findlay, Matt McKenzie, Alan Paull, Gareth Shanks, Daryl Hanna and Grant Horton. Photo by Stephen Jaquiery.
The men of audiovisual company Vision and their contractors and associates will show how far they are prepared to go to raise funds for this year's Relay for Life, with an all-male topless car wash at their offices on Portsmouth Dr in Dunedin today.

Daryl Hanna, Vision's co-director, said the Relay for Life team aimed to raise $2000 and thought doing something "a bit different" might be the way to achieve that.

"We are prepared to make fools of ourselves for the Cancer Society."

The $5 car wash will be on, "rain, hail or shine", at Vision's premises across the road from the Harbour Mouth Molars, from 10am today.


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