It was confirmed yesterday Football South, with input from the Dunedin City Council, had awarded the construction contract to Polytan.
The company was a specialist contractor with experience building artificial turf facilities across New Zealand, a council staff report said.
The cost of the project now stood at $3.7 million, including $1 million from the council, which would own the new facilities once finished.
The council would manage the construction process and own the facilities but was also planning about $550,000 in associated works to integrate the new artificial turfs with the rest of Logan Park, the report said.
That included upgrading pathways and reconfiguring cricket fields on Logan Park, including new markings and lighting, it said.
Soil excavated to make room for the artificial playing surfaces would also be used to create a new grass embankment around the cricket oval next to the new artificial turfs, it said.
The improvements would also include new bicycle stands, rubbish bins, seating, drinking fountains, a refurbished first aid building and a new shed, as well as new tree plantings, grass and garden areas, it said.
The $550,000 bill would be in addition to the council’s earlier $1 million contribution, the report said.
Construction was expected to begin in October, not September as pencilled in earlier this year, and be completed by March next year.
The report will be discussed at next week’s full council meeting.