How hearing devices have positively impacted three men’s lives

In honour of Men’s Health week, three men explain how working with Audiology South had a positive impact on their lives.

Treating hearing loss at the earliest stage possible may have a positive effect on healthy aging, though for many it can be difficult to accept that their hearing may need further support.

Queenstown horticulturalist John Baker echoes many people’s perceptions of hearing aids: “Hearing aids were for old people”. With encouragement from his wife, John made an appointment with Audiology South. “When the aids were first in my ears my wife was literally crying with relief, she said I was whispering, so goodbye ego.”

John Baker
John Baker
“Your hearing, speech and awareness of your surroundings are all connected and your whole system acclimatises to the aids. Without them the body just doesn't function as well.”

John loves the technology; “I put them in at 7 am and take them out at bedtime, and the more I use the app the better I hear in so many places. Hearing aids have changed my life; they are the best thing that has ever happened.”

For Jimmy McGeown, who noticed that his hearing was going in his late 30s, the change was gradual. “In crowded environments I simply could not take part in conversations, so bluffed my way through,” he says.

“Wearing hearing aids has brought me back into an inclusive space in society, at work and home. I particularly enjoy not having to constantly ask “pardon” or apologise every time I’m in a conversation. These hearing aids have been an absolute game changer.”

Jimmy mulled “… over the idea of hearing aids for probably seven years” before acting. “Every day not acted on is quite literally a day lost, trapped in a prison stripping you of a precious sense. It’s your loved ones who suffer most.”

Jimmy McGeown
Jimmy McGeown

Ron Robinson’s hearing was damaged by long exposure to work-related industrial noise. For over 30 years he worked as an agricultural contractor driving heavy, noisy old machinery, so was able to access ACC funding which covered most of the expenses. Ron now wears hearing aids 15 hours a day.

Rob Robinson
Rob Robinson
“Life is so much better, and I can hear conversations. I got used to the aids very quickly and because I can hear, I always wear them now, except when I’m working with machinery. The family are delighted too; they also think I can hear better,” Ron says.

“I tell all my friends who don’t hear so well to go get hearing aids, and those who have stuffed them into drawers to get them out and wear them … why wouldn’t you … they give you back your hearing,” he says.

And a magical thing about having his hearing restored, Ron says, is that he can hear the birds in the trees. “That's a big thing” he says, “I've never been able to hear birds before.” | 0800 LISTEN | 0800 547 836