Southern DHB and WellSouth have been working together to design and implement a new system of care for diabetic patients with active foot disease and high risk feet.
The successful model that has been running in Otago is now being rolled out in Invercargill, at Southland Hospital, for the Southland region.
“The clinic brings together the expertise of an orthopaedic surgeon, a vascular surgeon, an endocrinologist, a wound care specialist, a diabetic nurse specialist, a podiatrist, a registered nurse, and the orthotics team, enabling a comprehensive assessment and treatment plan to be sought for the benefit of the patient,” says Southern DHB Portfolio Manager, Primary Care, David Murray.
“The team has a holistic approach to patient-centred care that includes optimal diabetes control, effective local wound care and infection control, pressure relieving techniques and ensuring adequate blood flow to the limb.”
The benefits of this new system of care mean patients are referred to the appropriate service, Southland patients can access a multidisciplinary team and clinic, and the degree of urgency for each patient is better able to be determined.
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