Breast Room moves to new spot to help mums

If you are pregnant or know someone who is and would like to know more about the normal course of babies and breastfeeding then email for class dates, or come and have a chat at The Breast Room on a Wednesday, 10.30am-12.30pm.

The Breast Room has a new home and a new clinic time.

After seven wonderful years at The Hub in South Dunedin, The Breast Room has recently moved to The Valley Project at 262 North Rd, Northeast Valley.

The Valley Project is oozing community collaboration and spirit and it is fantastic that The Breast Room is able to be part of this.

The Breast Room now offers their free drop-in, support and information sessions on a Wednesday from 10.30am-12.30pm.

The Breast Room has supported mums and their whanau since 2011, and we continue to welcome anyone with breastfeeding queries — pregnant mums, partners, grandparents, friends, all can come, have a chat and ask any questions they might have about breastfeeding.

If you are a breastfeeding mum and unable to get in on a Wednesday, you can also contact peer supporters for help via email:, or via The Breast Room’s Facebook page:

The Breast Room is run entirely by volunteers who have trained as breastfeeding peer supporters.

Most have personal experience of breastfeeding, and all are passionate about helping mums to achieve their goals to satisfy theirs and their baby’s personal breastfeeding journey.

If you are interested in supporting mums and families with breastfeeding and would like to know more about being a Breastfeeding Peer Supporter, contact Bushie Calvert at to find out about what’s involved and when the next training course is.

Along with The Breast Room’s weekly drop in clinic, the Antenatal Breastfeeding Class, running once a month on a Saturday, has also moved to The Valley Project.

Click the links below to read more about World Breast Feeding Awareness Week: