The National Bowel Screening Programme (NBSP) is making a significant difference to the lives of Southern residents.
As at 31 January this year, 52 people in the Southern DHB region have been diagnosed with bowel cancer as a result of bowel screening, which began here in April last year. In addition, 385 people with non-cancerous polyps have been identified and treated.
“This is an excellent result for Southern residents and their families, whānau and communities,” says Dr Jason Hill, Clinical Lead for the Southern NBSP. “We’re identifying many patients with polyps, which, over time, can turn into bowel cancer. By removing these, we are helping to lessen the future burden of bowel cancer in our district.”
Free testing kits are provided to residents aged from 60 to 74 years old, supporting early diagnosis and intervention.
According to the Ministry of Health, people diagnosed with early stage bowel cancer and who receive prompt treatment have a 90% chance of long-term survival.
However, if residents notice any potential symptoms – such as a change in their normal bowel habit that continues for several weeks, or blood in a bowel motion – they should see their GP right away, and not wait for their screening test.
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