New Central Otago District Council chief executive Phil Melhopt needs no convincing about the attractions of his new home.
A menswear category has been added to this year's WoolOn creative fashion event which will conclude the Alexandra Blossom Festival.
Dunstan Hospital's plans for a pool of volunteer drivers as a backup when an ambulance is unavailable have stalled.
The Central Otago District Council is seeking a 35-year permit to continue discharging treated wastewater from Alexandra into the Clutha River.
Ranfurly's dog control officer has had her car "keyed" prompting a warning from the Central Otago District Council that intimidation tactics will not work.
Tennis courts, golf, relocating Cromwell's information centre and redeveloping Molyneux Park are the main issues covered in submissions to the Central Otago District Council's long term plan.
It only happens once a year, but it's better than Christmas.
Several incidents of disorderly behaviour by intoxicated patrons of Alexandra hotels during the weekend prompted police to warn yesterday they plan to take the matter up with the Liquor Licensing Authority and hotel management.
Four deaths in the past eight years involving elderly people using lpg cabinet heaters highlighted how unsafe the devices were, coroner David Crerar said in Alexandra yesterday.
Being at the helm of the Central Otago District Council during a period of huge growth was challenging, but it made the job more interesting, outgoing chief executive John Cooney said this week.
A farming tourism venture costing up to $4 million is planned for the Cromwell racecourse.
A new irrigation and domestic water scheme drawing water from Lake Dunstan and covering 3000ha would have district-wide benefits, the Central Otago District Council was told yesterday.
Dusty the Border Collie won a stay of execution yesterday when the Central Otago District Council backed down from classifying it as a dangerous dog.
Central Otago's first Relay for Life was a record-breaker.
The historic Shaky Bridge in Alexandra may be not quite so shaky after maintenance work in June.
Chatto Creek resident Paula Cathie has spun herself a new clothes drier rather than a dream wedding, compliments of Wheel of Fortune.
If walking trails throughout New Zealand are "too accessible", it will threaten the unspoiled paradise that is the magnet for visitors, two Belgian trampers said last week.
This is an apple to Envy.
A special meeting will be held in the next fortnight to discuss the Cromwell Community Board's plans to spend up to $2 million to construct a commercial building in the town centre.
Alexandra's latest "Olympian" is just as comfortable in a rowing skiff or on the rugby paddock as in the science laboratory.