The board has received three submissions on its proposal for a two-storey building on land in Waenga Dr to house an expanded Cromwell Medical Centre.
Central Otago District Council property manager Mike Kerr said a report on the submissions would be considered at the meeting.
"The submissions we've received cover quite a number of matters," Mr Kerr said.
The Central Otago District Council owned the medical centre's premises in the Cromwell Mall, but the centre had outgrown the facility.
The proposed new site, near the mall, was owned by the council.
The board planned to construct the building and sell the lower level as a replacement for the present medical centre, providing the second level as commercial or office space, for lease or sale.
Up to $2,050,000 would be provided from the council's reserves account to fund the building until it received the proceeds from selling the lower level of the building.
The net estimated cost to the council would be $700,000, but that figure would be offset by future returns on the investment from lease or sale.
Mr Kerr said two of the submissions neither supported nor opposed the proposals while the remaining one supported selling the land but opposed developing and selling a commercial building.
A desire to retain the medical centre within the town centre was the driver for the project, he said.
In his submission, Cromwell ward resident Howard Christian said he disapproved of public money being spent on a private enterprise.
"The contention as to whether the medical centre is an anchor for the mall is flawed," Mr Christian said.
"There is no evidence that in the medical centre's absence fewer people would enter the mall and undertake commercial activities therein."