Dunedin Chinese Garden honorary curator James Beattie hopes his appointment will help boost the garden's reputation in international scholarly circles.
Universityof Otago students Olivia Truax, Maren Richter and Rilee Thomas have received three of four national scholarships to support study in the Antarctic.
More health support has been called for after the release of "alarming" new Australian-led research showing people with severe mental illness could die 20 years earlier than others.
In a happy ending to crow about, three "gorgeous" big roosters have been spirited away from a Dunedin rest-home to an impeccable new life at Blackhead.
Kurt Krause has ''great hopes'' that potential new antibiotics he is working on will help avert a predicted massive rise in deaths from antibiotic resistance.
Dunedin can benefit from the science of ultra cold atoms, just as it earlier gained from the export of frozen meat, Nobel Laureate Prof Eric Cornell says.
A key break for premium peanut butter maker Fix and Fogg came when a supermarket buyer spotted a jar of the firm's peanut butter on sale in a furniture shop.
Roading contractors spread grit on the Southern Motorway, south of Dunedin, after firefighters were alerted to an extensive diesel spill shortly after 6.30am today.
Wider educational improvements should also be considered as the country's two main deaf education centres prepare to merge, Dunedin educationist Denise Powell says.
Associate Prof John Harraway has taught for 54 years in the University of Otago's mathematics and statistics department. He talks to reporter John Gibb about his long career and his third and final retirement.