The crane operated for much of yesterday, starting about 8.30am. Demolition materials were removed, and new materials were lifted close to the library roof.
The library car park was closed for the work and traffic management was in place for a short section of Moray Pl below the city library plaza area.
The work was part of a $1.5million spruce-up for the library's ageing metal roof, which has been in place since the library was built in the late 1970s. The roof was ``at the end of its serviceable life'', council property services group manager David Bainbridge has said.
Naylor Love Dunedin has been contracted to renovate and partially replace it, at a cost of up to $1.5million, and the project is expected to continue until about September.
The library will remain open throughout the project, as will the Municipal Lane 24-hour public toilets, project organisers have said.