Scientific detective work into meteorites is shedding new light on the ancient processes that led to Earth being formed, geologist Dr James Scott says.
Refugee integration should not simply be viewed as a further burden for new arrivals, but as a shared task for all Dunedin people, a visiting academic says.
Hocken Collections head curator pictorial collections Robyn Notman reflects on a plaster bust from 1975 depicting a Neanderthal man, at "A Garden of Earthly Delights", which has been the most...
Replacing the roof at the Otago Museum's Tuhura Tropical Forest is technically challenging and inquiries are being made abroad to find the best solution.
Yui Yamaki, from Yasuda Girls' High School, in Hiroshima, Japan, is among the speakers at a rally to commemorate Hiroshima Day in Dunedin yesterday, at the Peace Pole at the Otago Museum Reserve.
The Public Service Association (PSA) is "disappointed" that front-of-house staff numbers at the Toitu Otago Settlers Museum and the Dunedin Chinese Garden have been reduced.
Ella Deans (24) and her baby, Riley Eaton (6 months), took part in Dunedin's Big Latch On community event yesterday, which also celebrated International Breastfeeding Week.