Polished performances on offer

The Dunedin 60+ Club Sixties Entertainers perform a number, featuring (from left) pianist Chris...
The Dunedin 60+ Club Sixties Entertainers perform a number, featuring (from left) pianist Chris Pike, and performers Fay Haszard, Noel Stanaway, Ngaire Sutherland, Pam Whipp, Carol Higgins, Len Leith, Wilma Graham, Joy Pearson and Gael Trevathan. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
The Dunedin 60+ Club’s Sixties Entertainers group has an established reputation for a polished performance and stylish costumes for each number.

The Sixties Entertainers are in demand around rest-homes in Dunedin and Mosgiel, and have performed at almost all of them over the years. The group has a great reputation, receiving return invitations to come back and perform again and again.

For many years, the Sixties Entertainers have been accompanied by pianist Chris Pike, who learned the instrument when he was about 8, and has had nearly eight decades of playing and bringing joy to audiences — an unbeatable record.

Pike has indicated he will be "retiring" as the Sixties Entertainers pianist in December, and his presence will be missed.

The Dunedin 60+ Club continues to hold its monthly meeting at its temporary venue Southern Rugby Club, in Helena St, South Dunedin. Doors open at 1pm for a 1.30pm start. Entry koha is $2.

Noticeboards show club details, contacts, photographs of past events and group activities, and there is a selection of books and puzzles to borrow.

The July meeting, which includes the club’s midwinter function, is sold out.

Future meeting dates and speakers include:

• August 7: Dunedin Hospital outpatient director Andrew Holmes.

• September 4: Westpac Bank’s Karl Elliot.

• October 2: WellSouth’s Vinnie Ellis.

For information on activities, contacts and a gallery, visit the website www.dunedin60plus.co.nz

Club contacts are: Noel, phone 455-2586, or Len on 027 330 1696.