Saddle Hill Community Board

Fairfield School community pool committee member Dean Gordon asks for funds towards re-roofing...
Fairfield School community pool committee member Dean Gordon asks for funds towards re-roofing costs. PHOTOS: GILLIAN VINE
Gillian Vine looks at highlights from the Saddle Hill Community Board.

Funds for pool, protectors, primary school granted

The Saddle Hill Community Board has granted $3500 towards upgrades to the roof of the Fairfield School Community Pool.

Fairfield School Community Pool committee member Dean Gordon said it legally needed to re-roof the pool because regulations regarding roofing materials had recently changed and the existing Clearlite roof did not meet the new criteria.

The cost was likely to be about $75,000, of which $50,000 had already been raised.

"That’s much different from the amounts we’ve been looking at in the past," Mr Gordon said.

The pool was a "massive community asset, a massive school asset", one of only three or four school pools across the city, he said.

It was used not only by Fairfield residents but those from surrounding suburbs, including Green Island and Abbotsford.

Ōtokia Creek and Marsh Habitat Trust member Viktoria Kahui asks for funds towards plant protectors.
Ōtokia Creek and Marsh Habitat Trust member Viktoria Kahui asks for funds towards plant protectors.
In answer to a question from board member Scott Weatherall, Mr Gordon said the pool was fit for purpose but the new regulations meant it no longer was compliant.

"We want this fixed and ready for next summer," he said.

The board also granted $1000 to the Ōtokia Creek and Marsh Habitat Trust for plant protectors, and its remaining funds of $460 was granted to Big Rock Primary School towards an outdoor music system.

Pup name wanted

Board member Scott Weatherall advised a name was being sought for the sea lion pup born to Gem in a Brighton garden in November.

Thanks for award

The board’s 2023 Youth Ambassador $1000 award winner, Conor Hobbs, linked into the meeting from Logan Park High School, where he is a senior pupil.

Conor reported on his attendance at the World Scout Jamboree in South Korea, in August last year, and thanked the board for this "amazing opportunity".

"I hope I can pass on the new skills I learned there to other people in the community," he said.