DCC opens award nominations

Local people committed to beautifying and caring for the environment will be celebrated when the Keep Dunedin Beautiful Awards return on Friday, August 16.

Nominations launched on Tuesday and will be accepted until July 30.

In a statement, Dunedin City Council’s Keep Ōtepoti Dunedin Beautiful kaituitui (co-ordinator) Kelsey Porter said anyone could submit nominations in the four categories of schools, businesses, community groups, and individuals.

Nominations considered suitable were for those who working to protect and care for Dunedin’s built and natural environment.

This might be a cleanup group, a neighbour who is trapping, muralists, a cafe that has started composting, or a business working to cut out waste and carbon use.

An appropriate nomination was one that was not deemed controversial, contentious, or politically motivated.

It must be for some physical, practical, tangible project that enhances the beauty of Dunedin, she said.

The project must have commenced between September 2023 and the present.

The link to the nominations form can be found here or via the Dunedin City Council social media pages. 

Nominations can also be filled out in person at the council’s customer service desk.