Marathon challenge for mental health

Celine Barnes is raising funds for the Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand. PHOTO: SIMON...
Celine Barnes is raising funds for the Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand. PHOTO: SIMON HENDERSON
A local student is lacing up her running shoes for a gruelling challenge to support mental health.

University of Otago third-year physiotherapy student Celine Barnes will run a marathon on Saturday, September 14, and then go straight into competing in Emerson’s Dunedin Marathon on Sunday, September 15.

Barnes said she was inspired to take up the challenge of two marathons during a run to Port Chalmers.

"I was just like in a ‘flow state’ thinking about some goals and what I want to do.

"I obviously love running and I have done the Dunedin marathon for the last two years now, so I was thinking what can I do to challenge myself and help people at the same time."

She came up with the idea of running two marathons back-to-back while raising money for the Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand.

"Mental health is a big problem here in New Zealand."

A school experience was one of the reasons why she decided to focus on mental health.

"Growing up, I remember at school, we had someone who took their own life."

She recalled wondering why someone would choose to end their life.

"I would have been year 7 or 8, and I didn’t really understand it."

But the memory stayed with her, and during her time as a university student another student died by suicide.

"There’s lots of stories at uni where people have taken their own lives.

"Everyone’s got so much stress in their lives, and if you don’t have an outlet for that or you don’t have people to talk to, you can see how easy it is to get into that deep, dark hole of thinking there’s no way out."

She wanted to be able to support her friends and make sure they knew that help was available, she said.

"Just talking and being kind to each other."

Her training included participating in local running groups such as the 445 Run Club, Femmi Run Club and the Leith Harrier & Athletic Club’s Tuesday night training event and its Leith Harbour Free 10km monthly run, Barnes said. 

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Healthline 0800 611 116

Lifeline Aotearoa 0800 543 354, or text 4357

Suicide Crisis Helpline 0508 82 88 65 (0508 TAUTOKO)

Samaritans 0800 72 66 66

Alcohol Drug Helpline 0800 787 797

General mental health inquiries 0800 44 33 66

The Depression Helpline 0800 111 757