Exhibition showcases polytech

Otago Polytechnic communications lead Sharon O’Loughlin, Tuhura Otago Museum head of exhibitions...
Otago Polytechnic communications lead Sharon O’Loughlin, Tuhura Otago Museum head of exhibitions and creative services Craig Scott and Otago Polytechnic creative lead Lauren Hunter try out a selfie station at the "Ka Mua, Ka Muri: Walking Backwards into the Future" exhibition, opening tomorrow. PHOTO: SIMON HENDERSON
A new exhibition opening tomorrow at Tuhura Otago Museum celebrates creativity.

Otago Polytechnic "Ka Mua, Ka Muri: Walking Backwards into the Future" features hands-on interactive experiences and showcases an impressive list of alumni who have made their mark in a wide range of pursuits, including arts and agriculture, brewing and beekeeping, construction and cookery.

Otago Polytechnic communications lead Sharon O’Loughlin said the purpose of the exhibition was to highlight the achievements of the tertiary institution as it completed its transition to be part of Te Pukenga — New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology.

One highlight was camera headgear worn by rugby legend Dan Carter and designed by Dr Hayden Croft, that helped analyse players’ responses and game play in a new way.

Artwork by former students, including Michel Tuffery, Simon Kaan, and Madison Kelly, was on display, alongside opportunities for hands-on interaction for all ages through designing and sketching sculptures, experiencing nursing through virtual reality, playing arcade games or creating stencils.

The exhibition featured a display of fashion by graduates, including Tara Viggo and Rakel Blomsterberg, as well as a handbag designed by Jessie Wong, she said.

There were also opportunities to take selfies for social media, and stories of innovation across the range of subjects that students could study at the polytechnic.

"Ka Mua, Ka Muri: Walking Backwards into the Future" opens tomorrow and runs till May next year at Tuhura Otago Museum.


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