Collaborative jazz concert explorative, immersive

Intriguing original compositions and in-the-moment music creations using minimal instruments, textural looping and groove-laden beats come from the latest collaboration between local musicians Peter Claman, Karin Reid and Alex Wolken.

The trio will present their pop-up Jazz Loft show on Saturday, from 7pm, at 88 Vogel St.

Claman, a versatile Dunedin-based trombonist, joins forces with the contemporary hypno-jazz/jazz noir duo Reid+Wolken on voice, guitar, loopers and shruti box, for an explorative and immersive musical event.

From the creative team behind the "Indie Voices" and experimental "Sonic Soup Kitchen" initiatives, this Jazz Loft concert will be held in the vintage setting of Trident House.

Numbers are limited, booking is via

Jazz Loft is presented by the Dunedin Jazz, Cabaret & Performing Arts Trust. — APL